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发表于 2010-4-17 05:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
注:本栏目为本博客管理员的作品,其内容并不代表传喜法师的观点。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Please note 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com that contents in this column 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com are original from the person maintaining 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com this blog, and therefore they do not 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com represent Master Chuan Xi’s point of view. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 素食健康略说 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com A brief 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com account of the benefits of living as a 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com vegetarian 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 为什么从科学的角度说,素食有利于健康呢?这是因为,从另一个角度看,避免摄取不健康的,也就能达到健康了。我们姑且列举一些现代医学的研究成果,从反面来谈谈吃肉对我们的身体危害: 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Why being a vegetarian is good to 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com our health from the view of science? This is mainly because we can 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com be healthy by avoiding taking in things that are unhealthy. To 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com date, there are plenty of evidences from medical research showing 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com that eating meat is detrimental to our health. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com ①人类会因为吃肉而吸收大量毒素。首先,动物在喂养的时候会从食物中摄取各种有毒的化学物质,而在出现焦虑、紧张、恐惧、发怒等情绪恶化的时候,也会产生一些毒性很强的毒素。这些长期累积下来的毒素,以及他们被杀的一刻大量产生的毒素,会积存在其肌肉细胞以及血液之中。而肉类蛋白在各种烹调的过程之中,又会因化学反而产生新的毒素。上述众多毒素都会在人体消化肉类过程中被释放吸收。令情况变得更糟的是,肉类本身缺乏膳食纤维,而多吃肉者往往果蔬 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 摄取不足,从而导致便秘。而食物残渣在肠道中长时间积留就会促使各种毒素的吸收以及加重肝,胰,肠等内脏的负荷,以及。医学界认为这些都是多种癌症的导因。相较而言,虽然果蔬之中也会有残留农药的问题,但是只要在清洗和食用的过程中多加注意,问题还是可以被减小到很低的程度的. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 而且这相比至于吃肉的危害,以滴水之于大海来做譬喻也不为过。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Eating meat will result in the 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com intake of a great number of toxic compounds. Firstly, animals take 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com in various chemical compounds that are toxic during the process of 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com feeding. Also, animals secrete a number of lethal toxins when they 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com are in a bad mood, for example, being anxious, nervous, frightened 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com and angry. All the toxic compounds accumulated over time from 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com different resources, together with those released at the point when 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com they are killed, will be trapped in the muscle cells and blood. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Moreover, new toxic compounds will be generated from meat during 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com the process of cooking (especially frying, deep frying and 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com grilling). All these toxic compounds will be absorbed after being 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com released from digestion of meat. What’s worse, meat is something 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com lack of fibre itself, and people eating meat generally have fewer 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com vegetables (which is the main source of diet fibre), which results 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com in constipation. The prolonged process of removing wastes from the 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com bowels will promote the absorption of various toxic compounds and 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com overloading of the liver, pancreas and intestines, which are 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com considered to be the cause of several types of cancers. In 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com contrast, although there maybe presence of pesticide in / on vegetables, its harm can be minimised by washing 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com the vegetables more carefully before eating, which is almost 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com nothing compared with the possible detriments caused by eating 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com meat. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com ②肉类之中含有很高的胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸,过量摄取会导致各种心血管疾病 – 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 当今世上的第一杀手疾病。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Meat (especially pork, beef 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com and lamp) is very high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids; 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com its over intake will give rise to a variety of cardiovascular 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com disease, which is the leading cause of death in the 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com world 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com ③吃肉会可能导致感染超级细菌。所谓的超级细菌指的是指对抗生素有广谱抗药性的细菌。它的出现已经成为现今医学界最头疼的问题, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 因为人体一旦感染了这种超级细菌,在发病的时候就会通常无药可治。现代的农场主为了不让动物生病,会让其服用大量人类临床应用的抗生素。在这种情况下,某些细菌个体会因为变异而获得对各种抗生素的抗药性。当人们食用被感染的动物的时候,就会被这些超级细菌感染,继而在其他人群里传播, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 造成食物中毒。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com People eating meat can be at 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com the risk of being infected with ‘superbugs’. The so-called 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com superbugs refer to those bacteria which are resistant to 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com multi-antibiotics. The emergence of them has become one of the most 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com challenging issues in the medical field, as they largely make all 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com treatments futile. Nowadays, a variety of clinically-used 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com antibiotics have been given to farmed animals by farmers, in order 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com to prevent animals from getting infections. When bacteria are 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com exposed to antibiotics, some individuals may acquire resistance and 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com survive due to mutations. Thereby, human will get infected and 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com acquired food poisoning, when eating those infected animals. What’s 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com worse, they may spread the bacteria from one to 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com another. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com ④人会因为吃肉而摄取大量生长激素。现代的农场主为了能让动物长得快, 给禽畜注射大量生长激素. 于是, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 现代人就会因为吃肉而出现性早熟和青春痘,脾气暴躁等问题。相较而言,我们会发现吃素的人大多皮肤细腻,性情平和。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com People eating meat consume a 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com large amount of various hormones. Farmers 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com nowadays inject growth hormones to promote the growth of animals. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com This is why people eating meat tend to acquire problems like 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com precocious puberty, acnes and being irritated. In contrast, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com vegetarians not only tend to have delicate skins, but also tend to 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com be gentle and kind. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 此外,我们知道,现今很多让人闻之色变的传染性疾病都是从动物身上传染而来的。例如,最近的禽流感和猪流感都是人们在密集养殖禽畜的过程中感染的。进一步而言,我们不但不应该吃养殖的动物,更不应该吃野生动物。例如,艾滋病毒就是从非洲人猎杀捕食大猩猩的过程中而感染的,而SARS病毒则是人们在捕食果子狸的过程中感染的。让人忧虑的是,到现在为止,医学界还没有能根治或控制这些疾病的有效方法。也就是说,一旦这些病毒发生大规模变异的话,人类的灭绝就绝不是危言耸听的事了!如果我们不禁止猎杀野生动物的话,谁知道哪一天又会有新的致命病毒出现在人们当中呢? 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Last but not least, it has been 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com clear that many scaring infectious diseases are originated from 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com animals. For example, the well 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com known avian flu and swine flu are ‘created’ and transmitted to 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com human during high-intensity breeding of birds and pigs, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com respectively. Not only should we not eat animals from the farm, but 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com also wild animals. For example, HIV (the causing reagent of AIDS) 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com is originated from SIV in chimpanzees when African people hunted 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com these animals for food, while SARS virus has been confirmed to be 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com transmitted from Paguma larvata to human. Unfortunately, there is 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com still no effective treatment or vaccine to cure and prevent these 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com viral diseases. In order words, extinction of human beings could be 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com possible, if massive mutations occur in these viruses. Moreover, 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com new species of lethal virus could keep emerging if we do not stop 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com hunting wild 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com animals. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 其实素食本身就能给我们提供足够的营养。首先,在果蔬和五谷杂粮里面,有丰富的维生素和膳食纤维,这些成分为人体所必需,其中的许多却是肉食所缺乏的。其次,通过吃五谷杂粮和坚果,我们就能摄取足够的蛋白质,而这些蛋白质比肉类蛋白更加容易被人体分解吸收。而且,它们不但胆固醇含量低,还可以提供许多能改善人体心血管功能和益智健脑的的不饱和脂肪酸。可见,只要我们在素膳中注意多样性,就一定能保证营养充足。 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com In effect, we can obtain 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com sufficient nutrients from vegetarian food without having meat. 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com Firstly, vegetables, cereals and beans are very rich in vitamins 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com and fibres, which are essential for a balanced diet while lack in 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com meats. Besides, beans and nuts can not only provide us with 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com proteins that can be more readily broken down and absorbed, but 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com also rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com that can benefit the brain and cardiovascular system. In 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com consequence, there is no need to worry about malnutrition by being 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com a vegetarian, as long as we make sure we consume a broad variety of 六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com vegetarian food.
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